欧陆风云4 v1.27升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

欧陆风云4 v1.27升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

绿色版 Thea 2: The Shattering
  • 补丁类型:升级档
  • 相关游戏:欧陆风云4
  • 更新时间:










- 增加了对Steam Rich Presence的支持。
- 新的彩票选举机制
- 威尼斯新的独特政府
- 第3层的新分类改革,使彩票选举成为可能。 (法)
- 增加了官僚机构和委员会政府对共和国改革的任命。 (法)
- 删除旧的Sortition改革。 (法)
- 增加了卡尔梅克人活动的抵达
- 增加了普鲁士联邦事件链
- 添加了Roman of Moldavia活动链
- 为波兰,立陶宛,罗马尼亚集团,塔塔尔部落增加了任务树。
- 添加了决定形成Ilkhanate。
- 为蒙古帝国(免费)增加了大蒙古州政府,允许原始文化省(天堂授权)的横幅。
- 为Maratha地区的印度国家增加了新的政府改革“永久Marathas委员会”。 + 5%的纪律和变化招募部长的互动给予一般的+1休克而不是顾问。 (法)
- 为Rajput地区的印度国家增加了新的政府改革“政府污染登记册”。变化招募Purbias互动,给Rajput团带来+ 5%的纪律。 (法)

- 如果国家负债过重,请禁用Charter Company以避免在其他国家存钱。
- 关税现在只计入生产,黄金和贸易的收入。
- 关税霸主运作现在与CN实际支付的金额相匹配。

- 为共和国增加了缺失的最大绝对主义者。
- 为Seize行政权力改革增加4项改革至7项。
- 宣布神圣指导改革失去6项改革至8项改革。
- 选举中的裙带关系候选人现在在30至50岁之间随机变老。
- 成为共和改革,减少6次改革,减少3次。
- Tribals民间社会改革现在提供额外的-0.05腐败
- Tribals Lip Service Reform改良剂降至10%Land Maintenance Modifier。
- Tribals宗教社团改革现在增加了15%的宗教团结
- Bishoprics根本不能让他们的统治者成为将军,而修道院的命令可以让他们的任何统治者成为将军。 Hochmeister反击。

# 单位
- 拉杰普特团的基地修改器改为-25%钻探衰减,-50%增加成本,+ 5%士气

- 为忠诚贵族遗产的当地继承人每月增加0.33支持
- 从传教士的每次发展中切换出教皇政府的声望。
- 在罗马的荣耀中切换了Prestige的收益,教皇的想法设定为-1%Prestige Decay。
- 切换梵蒂冈博物馆的费用为-10%倾向顾问费用(佛法+1免费浸渍政策)
- 梵蒂冈图书馆管理版现在提供-5%的行政技术。
- 梵蒂冈图书馆外交版现在提供-5%的外交技术。
- 梵蒂冈图书馆军事版现在提供-5%的军事技术和50%的军队传统。
- 梵蒂冈图书馆军版不再给予5%的纪律。
- 检测到污染,启动隔离协议。
- Vijayanagari任务'来自孟加拉的转移贸易'不仅将CoT升级到2级。
- 世界港口现在提供0.2%的海军传统衰变,而不是每年0.25个海军传统。
- 宗教观念终结者现在让你在领土上转换。
- 领土省份还有-2个传教士的力量。
- Dhimmi给予省份现在提供的总体宗教团结较少。中性为-50%,忠诚为-100%。
- 不再从市场,贸易仓库,证券交易所获得全球贸易的支持,因为你已经从这些建筑物提升的贸易力量中获得了很多。
- 从第3级CoT获得0.5全球贸易支持,从第2级CoT获得0.1
- 在某种程度上限制制造业可以产卵,所以我们不会在5 dev沙漠省产卵
- 减少您在没有产生的大陆上获得的制造业扩散量。
- 在某种程度上限制启蒙可以产生的地方,所以我们不会在5 dev沙漠省产卵
- 减少你在没有产生的大陆上获得的启蒙传播量。

- 修复人工智能在招聘时采取无偿贷款
- 修复AI在超过力限制时不解散舰队
- 修复人工智能为玩家提供包机省行动的资金。

- 重新计算未开垦军队的路径时,包括堡垒ZoC
- 如果人工智能是捍卫者并且提供了和平,那么围攻战争并不会再给予惩罚

- 修正了优柔寡断的殖民/定居增长计划和预算AI


Update v1.27:
# Free Features
- Added support for Steam Rich Presence.
- New Lottery Election mechanic
- New unique government for Venice
- New Sortition reform on tier 3 that enables Lottery election. (Dharma)
- Added Bureaucratic Aparatus and Appointment by Committee government reforms for republics. (Dharma)
- Removed old Sortition reform. (Dharma)
- Added Arrival of the Kalmyks event
- Added Prussian Confederation event chain
- Added Roman of Moldavia event chain
- Added mission trees for Poland, Lithuania, Romanian Group, Tatar Hordes.
- Added descision to form the Ilkhanate.
- Added Great Mongol State government for Mongol Empire (Free), allowing Banners in primary culture provinces(Mandate of Heaven).
- Added new government reform 'Permanent Marathas Council' for Indian nations with the Maratha estate. +5% discipline and changes Recruit Minister interaction to give a general with +1 shock instead of an advisor. (Dharma)
- Added new government reform 'Governmental Purbias Register' for Indian nations with the Rajput estate. Changes Recruit Purbias interaction to give +5% discipline to Rajput regiments. (Dharma)

# Gamebalance
# Economy
- Disable Charter Company if the country is highly in debt to avoid saving money in other countries.
- Tariffs are now only counted on income from Production, Gold and Trade.
- Tariffs overlord operate on now match how much the CN actually pays.

# Governments
- Added the missing max absolutism malus for republics.
- Increased losing 4 reforms to 7 for Seize Executive Power Reform.
- Increased losing 6 reforms to 8 for Proclaim Divine Guidance Reform.
- Nepotism candidates in elections are now aged randomly between 30 and 50.
- Reduced losing 6 reforms to 3 for Become a Republic Reform.
- Tribals Civil Society Reform now gives additional -0.05 corruption
- Tribals Lip Service Reform modifier reduced to 10% Land Maintenance Modifier.
- Tribals Religious Societies Reform now gives additional 15% Religious Unity
- Bishoprics can no longer have their rulers made into generals at all while the Monastic Orders can have any of their rulers made into a general. The Hochmeister strikes back.

# Units
- Rajput regiments base modifiers changed to -25% drill decay, -50% reinforce cost, and +5% morale

# Other
- Added 0.33 monthly support for local heir on loyal nobility estate
- Switched out Papacy government prestige gain to Prestige per development from missionary.
- Switched out Prestige gain in Glory of Rome of the Pope idea set for -1% Prestige Decay.
- Switched out The Vatican Museums for -10% Dip Advisor Cost(+1 Free Dip Policy for Dharma)
- Vatican Library Administrative Edition now gives -5% administrative tech.
- Vatican Library Diplomatic Edition now gives -5% diplomatic tech.
- Vatican Library Military Edition now gives -5% military tech and 50% army tradition from battle.
- Vatican Library Military edition no longer gives 5% discipline.
- Contamination Detected, initiating Quarantine Protocols.
- Vijayanagari mission 'Divert Trade from Bengal' will not only upgrade CoT's to level 2.
- World Port now gives 0.2% naval tradition decay instead of 0.25 yearly naval tradition.
- Religious ideas finisher now let's you convert in territories.
- Territory provinces have an additional -2 missionary strength malus.
- Dhimmi given provinces now provide less to the overal religious unity. -50% at Neutral, -100% at Loyal.
- No longer gain Global Trade embracement boost from Marketplace, Trade Depot, Stock Exchange because you already get a lot from trade power which these buildings boost.
- Gain 0.5 Global Trade embracement scaled from level 3 CoT, 0.1 from Level 2 CoT
- Restricted somewhat where Manufacturing can spawn so we don't get it spawning in 5 dev desert province
- Reduce how much Manufacturing spread you get on continents where it did not spawn.
- Restricted somewhat where Enlightenment can spawn so we don't get it spawning in 5 dev desert province
- Reduce how much Enlightenment spread you get on continents where it did not spawn.

# AI
# Economy
- Fix AI taking unnessecary loans when recruiting
- Fix AI not disbanding fleets when over force limit
- Fix AI offering no money in charter province action to players.

# War
- Include forts ZoC when recomputing path for unexiled armies
- sieging the wargoal does not give anymore a penalty if the AI is the defender and a peace is offered

# Other
- Fixed indecisive colonisation/settlement growth planning and budgeting AI

# Interface
# Country
- In subject view, clicking on the shield of a trade company will center the map on that trade company.
- Parliament issues now have a scrollbar so you can see the entire effect of some of the issues.

# Icons/Art
- Cleaned up gender icons to look a bit clearer.

# Other
- Add history entries when a province is subject of Charter Company diplomatic action.
- Battles involving condottieri should pop up the combat view.
- Do not show the automatic transport dialog if trying to move during battles.

# Usermodding
# Effects
- Can no longer set dynasty on republican leaders in define_ruler effects. Dynasty argument is reused to let you set last name now.
- Added add_next_institution_embracement_scaled which behaves like devving in a province
- Added adm_power_cost, dip_power_cost, mil_power_cost effects & triggers that scales with the power cost modifier
- All Variable effects can be defined with `= { var_name = value }` now.
- Added set_base_tax, set_base_production, set_base_manpower effects

# Modifiers
- Implemented monthly_support_heir_gain modifier
- Added new modifier that increases how much PP you get from an insult.
- has_banners modifier now will work for every country and is no more limited to Manchu
- Added static modifier that is applied to all territory provinces.
- Added local_religious_unity_contribution modifier.

# Triggers
- Added has_unembraced_institution trigger.
- All Variable triggers can be defined with `= { var_name = value }` now.

# Other
- Can now access exiled monarchs in localisation
- Can now define the age range of a ruler
- Can now flag a government reform that it triggers elections upon death.

# Script
# Decisions
- Added decision to form the Mongol Empire
- Added decision to restore the Ilkhanate as a March
- Moving the capital to St. Petersberg will now upgrade its Center of Trade level.

# Events
- Added option to 'Cultural Ties Weakened' event to convert to American primary culture. First option now adds American as an accepted culture.
- Rewrote Vlad the Impaler event. Vlad will now appear more regularly as a ruler.

# Ideas
- Added Chernigov national ideas
- Added Crimean national ideas
- Added Ilkhanid national ideas
- Added National Ideas for dynamic Cossack nations
- Added Rigan national ideas

# Setup
- Added the Mongol Empire and Kalmyk tags
- Poland now accepted Ruthenian culture in 1444

# Other
- Added new free and possible policy modifiers as custom ideas
- Added startup screen for Wallachia and Moldavia
- Added startup screen for the Tatar hordes
- Transoxiana is now a slightly different shade of blue

# Bugfixes
- Fixed CTD when when loading old saves with owned provinces changed to wasteland in later version
- 'Japan Discovered' event now allows for Anglicans
- 'Missionaries in the Spice Islands' event now converts some provinces in the Spice Islands to Catholicism
- Added fallback requirement for VIJ War Plunder mission
- Added missing % sign to Nobles of the Robe tooltip
- Added tooltip for Conform to Template view when province is not controlled by you or your overlord
- Added tooltip to Italian Wars event explaining that relations with Spain will be worsened.
- All subsidies are now canceled when going bankrupt
- Anglicanism will no longer spawn in a country that is a junior partner in a PU
- Any siege is now ended when abandoning a colony
- Apply local autonomy penalty from estate removal after it been removed.
- Aristocracies and Hordes once again have access to Aristoractic ideas
- Army Professionalism parliament bribe now costs 2 army professionalis rather than 200
- Assigned Cayenne to correct colonial region
- Aurangabad modifier from Mughal mission now gives local rather than global development cost.
- Can no longer become an Iqta as an Indian Sultanate (no Dharma)
- Can no longer form Mughals as the Celestial Emperor
- Can no longer get Talented and Ambitious Daughter event with States General reform
- Can now hear elephants in battle without Dharma enabled if you have any Dharma unit pack enabled
- Changing to and from Steppe Horde government with Dharma will now change your tech and unit group to and from the nomad group.
- Colonial subjects are now blocked from fabricating claims overseas
- Corrected province highlighting in VIJ mission 'South Indian trade'
- Countries in Random Setup that get specific tags can no longer get reforms unique to those tags
- Dimitri event for Russia will no longer fire if country is a junior partner in PU
- Election event will use correct pronouns if current ruler is female.
- Event option to cede Goa to Portugal will no longer be available if a player owns Goa
- Event to pick Dutch Republic now removes Parliament reform if it has been picked
- Event to remove Free City reform now fires correctly
- Events that change government type refund some reform progress
- Fix the automatic transportation feature
- Fixed CTD when selecting abandoned colony with invalid siege
- Fixed Eat Your Greens and The Ostenders achievements being completable by any nation despite not being visible.
- Fixed Gujarati Textiles mission applying wrong trade goods size modifier
- Fixed Kiowa culture not being on map
- Fixed Mughal Open China mission attempting to reward local goods produced modifier to the whole country.
- Fixed Question of Rights event being able to take land from own colonial nations
- Fixed Sleepless in Seattle achievement requiring wrong province. Seattle is actually in Salish province.
- Fixed Trade Company Region not updated on Trade Nodes after loading save, leading to CTD trying to access deleted memory
- Fixed Unite Japan decision tooltip claiming that Daimyos will become Feudal Monarchies
- Fixed Vaishyas estate event using country instead of province flag, prevent modifiers from being applied
- Fixed breaking to rebels sometimes causing an extra stab hit, especially as the Pope
- Fixed changing away from Muslim as Feudal Theocracy without Dharma not giving new government
- Fixed city placement in Garwhal
- Fixed decision to convert ruler religion being available to junior union partners
- Fixed event allowing female consort for female ruler
- Fixed highlighting issues in Bahmani mission Persianate Empire
- Fixed missing title text for Mamluk event 'The Emissaries return with good news'
- Fixed spelling of Minnesota area
- Fixed wrong culture name in nation designer trigger for Gond Kingdom
- Fixed wrong institution in Cabinet of Curiosities event
- Fixed wrong legacy government given in election event for tribes
- Fixed wrong mission icon for Taungu mission Annex Prome
- Foreign Talent event will no longer fire for subject nations
- Forming Egypt now gives claims on unowned provinces in the Egypt region
- Forming Great Britain now always completes the War of the Roses mission
- Forming Ireland now requires owning all of Ireland. Decision now refers to areas instead of provinces.
- Forming Japan now disallows the Japanese gov reforms (Shogunate, Daimyo, Ind. Daimyo)
- Forming Qing decision description no longer refers to having already united China
- Forming Rajputana or Marathas now sets tech and unit group to Indian
- Forming the Mughal Empire will now enact unique Mughal government reforms up to the currently unlocked reform tier.
- Forming the Mughals with States General reform will now remove that reform
- Gujarati event 'An Embassy to the Ottoman Sultan' now only fires if Portugal owns a province in India
- If you don't have elections, taking reforms that gives you duration time no longer gives you term election.
- Indian Sultanate reform no longer invalid when switching capital outside of India
- Jain and Hindu Merchant Community event no longer affects Jain loyalty twice.
- Janos Hunyadi now has fixed stats and appropriate age
- Junior monarchies in a personal union under a non-monarch will now have their own legitimacy instead of being stuck at 0. (Yes there are very strict specific circumstance where non-monarchy can have a PU)
- Korean mission "Conquer Huncun" reward is no longer redundant. Adds claims needed for next mission.
- Land of Churches mission will now accept either churches or cathedrals in any arrangement
- Mewar mission Rajput Trasde Guilds now completable with any set of estates
- Move Capital to Pegu mission now requires Pegu to be the capital.
- Natives no longer use legitimacy mechanic
- No Dharma - Indian Sultanates can no longer Indianize their Sultanate
- Novogorod mission now gives claims on Vologda
- Only provinces within the country border (or the non-tributary subjects' ones) can be released in a peace deal.
- Orangist candidates no longer get double names. They should simply be Van Oranje now.
- Piety change when declaring war as Muslim now refers to Mysticism as well as Legalism
- Primitives are no longer able to select Naval Doctrines
- Qing now uses 'Empire' government name at rank 3 instead of 'Khaganate'
- Random events no longer give reform progress to primitives
- Reduce Champaner mission now requires a core on the province
- Reduced size of mission tooltip for Bengali Clear the Delta mission
- Releasing Deccan from Mughal mission should now give Deccan a government
- Remove Presidential Dictatorship reform when dictator dies and a new republican leader is elected.
- Removed references in several events to old center of trade modifiers
- Removed remove_non_electors_emperors_from_empire_effect from some Dharma formables
- Rulers given by pretenders and events now add +200 support for monarchists with the States General mechanic
- Sweet Home Qaraqorum, Ganges Khan and Maharana Pratap achievements no longer allow custom nations.
- Tartar and Altaic nations with Tribal government type can now pick Steppe Horde
- The Anjou Claims event now gives a claim on Abruzzi
- The effects of Rise of a Despot event now happen immediately rather than after choosing the option
- Unite Japan mission now requires direct ownership of most of the Japan region.
- When playing without CoC, a tooltip will now inform the player that The Janissaries event will fire in 12 years when enacting the Devshirne System decision.
- Will no longer swap mission trees when forming an Indian nation without unique missions except for Punjab
- players cannot anymore create infinite-points custom nations exploiting the play button enabled while confirmation modal is visible
- Fix OOS caused by not updating religious school modifiers
- Remove invalid reforms on tag switch
- Fixed Daimyos sometimes having two vassals
- Fixed papacy not being restored when releasing PAP as vassal
- Education of Daughters custom idea is temporarily disabled because of unforseen bug right before release, will be returned as soon as we can.
- Fixed so One King To Rule achievement requires 50 absolutism. Should now be possible for people not owning Dharma to get the achievement.
- Fixed bug where define_advisor was not creating advisors
- Fixed trade league disbanding after forming a new nation.
- Fix raze tech power decrease being uncapped
- Can no longer scorch earth with exiled units.
- Fix primitives being able to select Naval Doctrines
- Junior legitimacy no longer affected by dynasty change in overlord.
- Junior legitimacy will no longer be reset on monthly if overlord is not a monarchy.
- Former tributaries shouldn't be considered ex-subjects when going at war against their overlord.
- Shogun can no longer move their capital to prevent bunch of nasty bugs with that.
- Supply Convoys policy increased to 0.2% liberty_desire_from_subject_development from 0.02%
- Fixed Revolutionary governments losing all reform progress. They will now get reform progress as if they had switched using reforms.
- Mewar Never Changes achievement now visible to any nation that can access its mission tree
- Fixed broken Combat role bonus modifier for sieges with blockade.
- Fix game not exiting properly on Alt.-F4 when music player is open.
- Human should now be removed properly if player drops and ingame lobby does not exist.
- Fix alert about AI team member wanting to break alliance
- The seller of a province in Charter Company will gain inflation like province selling, but only based on the amount of money gained (not the administrative costs).
- Fixed exploit where Europeans could get Trade Company Trade Goods bonus in their own province.
- Optimized code that generated the weather texture.










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