旗帜的传说3 v2.57.57升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版

旗帜的传说3 v2.57.57升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版

绿色版 Thea 2: The Shattering
  • 补丁类型:升级档
  • 相关游戏:旗帜的传说3
  • 更新时间:








The Banner Saga 3 - Survival Mode


改进/新增 - 生存模式作为付费DLC添加到游戏中
成就 - Krumr的导师现在可以实现
成就 - Wave Breaker现在可以实现
成就 - 在'独家幸存者'结束后,玩家被错误地授予'Scrape By'奖杯
动画 - 杀死一个固定的敌人后的流浪出血动画
音频 - 游戏背景声音和音乐现在在最小化游戏或锁定屏幕时停止
音频 - Iver在白塔底座上的独白不再重复
音频 - 鲁克的远程攻击现在有声音效果
音频 - VO修复
Bug - 在第18章的毁灭前战斗之后,游戏不再进入无反应状态
Bug - 在毁灭之战后第19章开始游戏不再软锁
错误 - 在第18章与Tryggvi交谈后,标题不再进入无响应状态
设计 - “派对”文字不再与名单屏幕上的天赋点重叠
设计 - 关闭按钮不再无法在GAME OVER屏幕上运行
设计 - 准备计时器,用于在波浪战斗中正确选择增援
设计 - 角色'Bersi'以正确的杀戮次数开始
游戏玩法 - 第二项能力上限为Recruit的Rank1
游戏玩法 - Chanter Stonesinger的通道能力不能被打断
游戏玩法 - 在Dredge Bell战斗期间,First Warped Stoneguard不再跳过它的第一个转弯
游戏 - 游戏现在可以在某些情况下在Mac上正常启动
游戏玩法 - Hurler的Sunstrike - 能够恰当地防止敌人使用他们的能力
游戏玩法 - 修复了一个问题,如果你触发了Juno的死亡教程并在触发弹出窗口之前完成了一场波浪战
游戏玩法 - Impale在波浪重新部署期间重新定位角色时会造成伤害
游戏玩法 - Shield Wall的功能与其描述之间的不一致性已得到修复
游戏玩法 - 不再需要从主菜单中退出游戏两次以实际退出游戏
游戏玩法 - 当您使用需要确认的控制器来访问英雄游戏时的正确视觉指示
游戏玩法 - 到达Dredge Godstone后恢复游戏不再导致大篷车跳过Godstone的事件和营地
游戏玩法 - Ruin不再受到轮到她触发的效果的双重伤害
游戏玩法 - 第二次从Arberrang返回后,大篷车不再短暂停留
游戏玩法 - 即使天数等于0,用户也不能再通过休息增加Dredge Godstone中的士气
游戏玩法 - Warped Varls现在使用Tempest时会造成伤害
图形 - 在游戏开启时从屏幕变为全屏时手动调整屏幕大小,不再导致游戏停留在窗口而是充当全屏
图形 - 屏蔽HP现在在被击中后被消失
图形 - 如果玩家在没有返回城市的情况下完成游戏,则在最终的电影中现在可以正确显示Arberrang视图
图形 - 墙壁碎片以更自然的方式落下
本地化 - 许多本地化修复
保存 - 玩家删除所有保存配置文件插槽后,不再显示全功能“恢复”按钮。
保存 - 游戏现在在Rugga Tent Battle之后自动保存
UI - 如果在加载屏幕之前打开,则不再显示“加载游戏”窗口
UI - 成就字符串从其占位符更正
UI - Castaway Ability“Barbed Stones”不再有占位符文本
UI - 角色现在可以使用他们可用的所有点数
UI - 在增援期间,使用英雄名单中的控制器选择空白区域显示“删除”文本
UI - 使用游戏手柄无法再访问暂停菜单中的不可见按钮
UI - 本地化字幕现在正在工作
用户界面 - 在与法国本地化的国王活动会面后,Oddleif对话中的占位符文本现已删除
UI - 在战斗期间,信息面板中Juno的“生命线程”功能中删除了占位符文本
UI - 中毒状态悬停状态工具提示不再包含占位符调试字符串
UI - 在波浪战中,所选按钮不再存在
UI - Tally Page现在在最后一次返回Arberrang后可见
UI - 在Valgard在第21章的演讲中的错字是固定的
用户界面 - 用户现在可以在某些条件下通过游戏手柄向默认人才添加积分
UI - 使用控制器,您现在可以使用功能窗口上的“关闭”按钮
UI - 市场背景覆盖现在覆盖整个屏幕
UI - 波形转向计数器的文本现在适合日语文本框
用户界面 - 无名英雄标题说明错误更正


Update v2.57.57:
Improvement / New - Survival Mode added to the game as paid DLC
Achievement - Krumr's Mentor is now achievable
Achievement - The Wave Breaker is now achievable
Achievements - Player was erroneously awarded 'Scrape By' trophy after 'Sole Survivor' ending
Animation - Stray Bleed Animation after killing an enemy fixed
Audio - Game background sound and music now stops when minimizing the game or locking the screen
Audio - Iver's monologue in the base of the white tower no longer repeating
Audio - Rook's ranged attack now has sound effects
Audio - VO fixes
Bug - Game no longer enters unresponsive state after the pre-Ruin battle in Chapter 18
Bug - Game no longer soft-locks at Chapter 19 start after Ruin battle
Bug - Title no longer enters unresponsive state after a conversation with Tryggvi in Chapter 18
Design - ‘Party’ text no longer overlaps with the talent points on the roster screen
Design - Close button no longer fails to function on GAME OVER screen
Design - Ready timer for selecting reinforcements in wave battles ticks properly
Design - The character ‘Bersi’ begins with the correct number of kills
Gameplay - 2nd ability capped to Rank1 on Recruit
Gameplay - Chanter Stonesinger's channeled abilities cannot be interrupted
Gameplay - First Warped Stoneguard no longer skips its first turn during the Dredge Bell battle
Gameplay - Game will now launch properly on Mac in some cases
Gameplay - Hurler's Sunstrike - Ability properly prevents enemies from using their abilities
Gameplay - Fixed an issue if you triggered the Juno's death tutorial and finish a wave battle before triggering the popups
Gameplay - Impale applies damage when repositioning characters during wave redeployment
Gameplay - Inconsistency between Shield Wall's functionality and its description fixed
Gameplay - No longer need to quit game from main menu twice to actually quit the game
Gameplay - Proper visual indication when using controller that you need to confirm to access the heroic titles
Gameplay - Resuming game upon reaching the Dredge Godstone no longer causes caravan to skip the Godstone's event and camp
Gameplay - Ruin no longer takes double damage from effects that trigger during her turn
Gameplay - The caravan no longer stops briefly after returning from Arberrang for the second time
Gameplay - User can no longer increase Morale in the Dredge Godstone via Rest even when the number of days equals 0
Gameplay - Warped Varls now do damage when they use Tempest
Graphical - Manually resizing the screen when it is changing from windowed to full-screen while the game is opening, no longer causes game to stay on windowed but act as full-screen
Graphical - Shield HP now disappears after being destroyed with one hit
Graphical - View of Arberrang is now displayed properly during the final cinematic if player finished playthrough without returning to the city
Graphical - Wall debris falling in a more natural way
Localization – Many localization fixes
Save - Fully functional ‘Resume’ button is no longer present after player deleted all the Save Profile Slots.
Save – Game now Autosaves after Rugga Tent Battle
UI - "Load Game" window no longer remains displayed if opened right before the loading screen
UI - Achievement Strings are corrected from their placeholders
UI - Castaway Ability "Barbed Stones" no longer has placeholder text
UI - Characters can now use all points they have available
UI - During reinforcements, selecting empty space with controller in hero roster shows 'Remove' text
UI - Invisible buttons in pause menu can no longer be accessed by using a gamepad
UI - Localized Subtitles Now Working
UI - Placeholder text in Oddleif dialogue after meeting with the King event in French localization now removed
UI - Placeholder text is removed from Juno’s ‘Thread of Life’ ability in Information Panel during battle
UI - Poisoned Status Hover State Tooltip no longer contains placeholder debug string
UI - Selected button no longer persists during a wave battle
UI - Tally Page is now visible after the last return to the Arberrang
UI - Typo during Valgard's speech in chapter 21 is fixed
UI - User is now able to add points to talents other than default via gamepad in certain conditions
UI - With the controller you can now use the "Close" button on the ability window
UI – Marketplace background overlay now covers the entire screen
UI – The text of wave turn counter does now fits into the textbox in Japanese
UI – Typo in Unmoved Heroic Title Description is corrected










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