空洞骑士 v1.0.2.8升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

空洞骑士 v1.0.2.8升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

绿色版 Thea 2: The Shattering
  • 补丁类型:升级档
  • 相关游戏:空洞骑士
  • 更新时间:
游戏标签: 空洞骑士下载   空洞骑士   升级档   补丁







2.安装空洞骑士 v1.0.1.4升级档:https://down.youxidudu.com/showpatch/68461.html



- 修正了可以跳过Zote事件触发的问题。
- 修正了失败冠军遇到不正确的伤害后的问题
- 针对低端机器,在某些有针对性的场景中提高了性能。
- Quickmap双击捷径现在更容易注册和工作,而坐在长凳上
- 修正了一个问题,就像您击败阴影一样,死亡可能会产生一些奇怪的结果。
- 修正了Giant Hoppers忽略了诸如孢子的破坏超时效应的问题。
- 固定的软锁问题,可能发生在打破破船前。
- 改进了破碎的船只投掷物(不要担心,我们使他们更宽松)的打击箱。
- 解决了电梯可以暂时扩大玩家x尺度的问题。
- 解决玩家在与后期老板的第一场战斗中不能暂停的问题
- 固定Grub Mimic持久性问题。
- 为下端机器添加了粒子减少选项。
- 修正了在一定范围内地下产生树荫的问题
- 修正NPC名称显示错误
- 解决复仇精神消散不正确的问题
- 修正了空白对话窗格可能导致软锁的问题
- 修正了Flukemarm无法尖叫咒语的问题
- 修复了敌方的伤害效果显示问题
- 改进某些效果物体的回收系统
- 修正了玩家可以在半空中Superdash的问题
- 最深刻的Stagway的澄清
- 初步实施法语设定。
- 修改叛徒主的不准确的打击箱
- 向电车系统增加了一个支票,确保错误无法将其放置在不存在的电台
- 修复了Blue Hiveblood HP的显示问题
- 修复了雾峡谷中的一个酸池,在瓦片图之外重生了骑士
- 修复了一个门,因为它是敌人的伤害
- 改变了升降机改变了玩家的物理,避免了玩家可以穿过墙壁的场景
- 当她没有股票时,修正了Iselda的声音的双倍
- 修正了一个问题,“猎人日记”条目可以错过。对于现有的文件,如果一个单一的长老的Baldur被杀害,则会发表日记本
- 当坐在地上时,HUD现在隐藏起来。非常大气(最终我们会做一个隐藏HUD的按钮...希望)
- 当Delicate Flower破碎时,游戏现在自动保存。这可能看起来很苛刻,但它会使胜利变得更加甜美。敬请谅解。
- 改进了NPC场景中的效果
- 修正了缺少的Salubra标题
- 修正了一个问题,在超级场景之后,玩家的身体不会破坏对象。
- 修复了一个狡猾的相机锁在白宫
- 修正了一个问题,玩家可以在白宫完成后再次重生,迫使他们回溯出去
- 修正了一个重型哨兵可以在Isma的Grove的战斗室外产生的问题。
- 在大斜杠和冲刺斜杠上增加敌人的击退
- 添加了一个额外的检查装备的魅力,所以如果一个玩家的填充缺口计数错误地设置错误,打开库存将重新计算并更正计数
- 修正了Grubfather有时会比他应该少出Geo的错误。
- 进入水时固定挂钩
- 修正了Mawlek的攻击模式可能陷入循环的问题
- 增加了一些渴望激动人心的新香水的苍蝇
- 小地图修复
- 各种小的场景修复
- 各种音频改进和修复


Update v1.0.2.8:
- Fixed issue where trigger for Zote event could be skipped.
- Fixed issue where Failed Champion dealt incorrect damage after being stunned
- Improved performance in some targeted scenes, for lower end machines.
- Quickmap double-tap shortcut is now easier to register and works while sitting at benches
- Fixed an issue where dying just as you defeat your Shade could produce some odd results.
- Fixed an issue where Giant Hoppers ignored damage-over-time effects such as spores.
- Fixed soft-lock issue that could occur before fighting Broken Vessel.
- Improved hitbox on Broken Vessel projectiles (dont worry, we made them more lenient).
- Fixed issue where a lift could stretch out player's x-scale temporarily.
- Fixed issue where player couldn't pause during first fight with a late-game boss
- Fixed Grub Mimic persistence issue.
- Added a particle reduction option, for lower end machines.
- Fixed issue with Shade spawning underground in a certain area
- Fixed an NPC name display bug
- Fixed an issue with Vengeful Spirit dissipating incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where a blank dialogue pane could cause a soft-lock
- Fixed an issue where Flukemarm was invulnerable to Scream spell
- Fixed an enemy damage effect display issue
- Improved recycling system for certain effect objects
- Fixed an issue where player could Superdash in mid-air
- Lore clarification for Deepnest Stagway
- Initial implementation of French language setting.
- Fixed inaccurate hitbox on Traitor Lord
- Added a check to tram system that ensures an error can't place it at a non-existent station
- Fixed a display issue with Blue Hiveblood HP
- Fixed an acid pool in Fog Canyon that respawned the Knight outside the tilemap
- Fixed a certain gate taking damage as though it were an enemy
- Changed the way lifts alter the player抯 physics, to avoid scenarios where player can get through walls
- Fixed a double-up of Iselda's voice when she has no stock
- Fixed an issue where Hunter's Journal entry for Elder Baldur could be missed. For existing files, if a single Elder Baldur has been killed, journal note is awarded
- When sitting on the ground, HUD now hides itself. Very atmospheric (eventually we'll make a button that hides HUD... Hopefully)
- Game now auto-saves when Delicate Flower is broken. This may seem harsh, but it will make victory a lot sweeter. Please understand.
- Improved effects in an NPC cutscene
- Fixed missing Salubra title
- Fixed an issue where, after superdashing between scenes, player's body wouldn't break objects.
- Fixed a dodgy Camera Lock in White Palace
- Fixed an issue where player could respawn inside White Palace after completing it, forcing them to backtrack in order to leave
- Fixed an issue where a Heavy Sentry could spawn outside of a battle room in Isma's Grove.
- Increased enemy knockback on Great Slash and Dash Slash
- Added an extra check for Charms equipped, so if a player's filled notches count is set incorrectly by an error, opening the inventory will recalculate and correct the count
- Fixed an error where Grubfather would sometimes give out less Geo than he should.
- Fixed hitch when entering water
- Fixed an issue where Mawlek's attack pattern could get stuck in a loop
- Added some flies eager for exciting new scents
- Minor map fixes
- Various small scene fixes
- Various audio improvements and fixes










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